Sunday, March 27, 2016

Letter Home - Week 34

This week I read some really cool things about the Christlike attribute of love. As I was studying I came across a verse that really stuck out to me. It was in Eph. 4:15 and it says, "But speaking the truth in love...". As I've examined and looked back on my teaching I realized that at times I may be so focused on the truth that I forget to love. Even if it what I'm saying may be the truth it doesn't help if it's not done in the spirit of love. I read other passages like Moroni 7, D&C 121, 1 John 3, and 1 John 4 that were powerful. Developing the attribute of charity is something I'm really striving to do. I've thought about it and it's been something on my mind for a long time. I know it's what I need to do. Knowing is good doing is better. I came across another verse in John 13:17 where it reads, "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." I was thinking how I can really learn to love and not just studying about love but actually going about loving. I prayed to know how I can develop more love. I was prompted and led to PMG where on the first page in the chapter on christlike attributes it reads in big, bold letters, "How Can I Develop Christlike Attributes?" It was an answer which came immediately after I prayed. It was a cool experience for me. This week I've been feeling a lot more love for those around me. I'm still working on it but it's cool to know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who cares about what I'm going through and is there to help me along my way to greater peace, happiness, and love.

Kevin: We found that he is having a hard time forgiving himself of past experiences. We taught and testified of the Savior and his Atonement and how we can become completely clean though repentance and forgiveness. We are helping him through the repentance process. He is still super faithful and comes to church each week and loves coming out with us teaching. We found him on the day he first came to church. He had stopped other missionaries who were walking in town and they talked to him and told him about church. He came and that's how we met Kevin. Kinda cool that he had the faith and courage to stop the missionaries. I'm glad he did.

Villia: We met at her home. We were walking by and stopped to talk to her as she was sitting outside her home.

Kim: We have only had two lessons so far but already committed her to baptism. She is ready I believe and she really wants to change her life. The only problem is her boyfriend. He doesn't believe in God and doesn't like her to meet with us. She too stopped other missionaries.

Joan: We contacted her house and talked with her mom. After we were about to leave Joan just arrived home from work. We talked with her as well. She has a little girl and a boyfriend who doesn't live with her. Her mom stays with her. We had a good lesson this week on the restoration. We watched the restoration video with her too and she enjoyed it.

I'm running out of time.... ahhh. What I'll do though for you is write down information for you during the week and give it to you all next week. Sorry about not writing as well as I should've. I know I need to do better. I'll work on it for you guys. Thanks for the push to do it. I know it's important and I'll be thankful for it later.

I love you all so much! Thanks for writing and telling me about your week!
Take care!
Elder King

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