Dear family,
A lot has happened this week out here and back home as well. I'm glad that Kaylee really had a good time on her Choir Tour. Where she went looks just awesome. When I went to California with Vivint we took a trip to San Francisco to see the Golden Gate Bridge, I believe the same Aquarium, and the same bay with all the seals. It is a really cool place and it looks like from the photos she had the time of her life. That's awesome news to hear. I was sad to hear of the news of Grandma King's passing. She was a blessed woman with great faith and love for the Lord. I have many great memories of her that I will cherish forever. After I received the news I said a prayer and a great sense of peace and comfort came over me. As I prayed memories of her came to me and I gratefully thanked Heavenly Father for the goodness of her life and the time I had with her. I am grateful for the gospel and the testimony I have of God's great plan for us. I know where she is. I know she is now free from her burden of pain. I know she is in a happier place. I know I will see her again. I wish I could be there for the funeral but I send my love to her and each of you.
After receiving that news I received my transfer call. It's been great to serve with Elder Anderson for these two transfers. A lot of good memories were made. We worked hard and had a lot of fun serving the Lord. It's hard saying goodbye to him and all the wonderful people that we've been able to work with. I'm forever changed by my time here in Barbados. I'm very grateful for it. Elder Anderson was called to be the new zone leader with Elder George here in the Rendezvous area while I am called back to Grenada to open up another area in Grenville with the group that is there. I will be with an Elder named Elder Mikolyski from Salt Lake Valley, Utah. I am excited for Grenada. Elder Mikolyski and I will work hard to build up the group there. It will be my last area and my last companion on my mission.
We had a good week this week. Kelvin overcame his bad experience and came to church anyway and he loved it. He almost didn't come and he almost didn't let us teach him this week because of how bad and terrible he felt but he had an encounter with the Sister missionaries after church on his way home that uplifted him and helped him through it. We also called him before church this week because he still wasn't sure if he was going to come but after the call the spirit prompted him to prepare just in case he decides to go and so he did and then one of his family members asked if he wanted a ride to church and he took that as his answer and came. He asked more good questions at church but this time the responses were much more positive and helpful. It was combined 3rd hour because of the 5th Sunday so their were experienced members responding. The teacher last week was a recent convert who taught because the teacher wasn't there. He didn't understand that what he was doing was hurtful to Kelvin.
We also had a new investigator named Kenwin come with his younger cousin Denico(9). We recently started teaching them along with Denico's brother Tashawn(14). They loved it and were so glad they came. They said that for sure they will be back next week and also bring more of their family. He also has gotten into the book of mormon (1 Nephi 8) and prayed about it and received an answer that it is true! We set a date with him this week too. We are excited about him.
There was another cool experience we had where we came to teach a new investigator named Barbara for the first time to find that she had read all of the book of 1 Nephi. It was incredible. She had many questions about it and she kept asking herself as she was reading if this book is true? When we came back for the lesson we were able to help her understand the story and that she must pray about the book of mormon. She said she would.
The Sobers brought a family member to church this week. He is Thelma's brother and he was so impressed by the service and absolutely loved it. When he went back home he watched the full length restoration video and the Only a Stonecutter video and was taken back by the great faith shown. He was also looking through their scriptures and was very interested in the gospel. He is from Florida and the Sobers have been telling him all about the church and so when he came down to visit he had to come and visit the church as well. He is going to find the nearest church near him when he goes back home and visit the church there. It was awesome.
All the recent converts came and are strong. I'm going to miss them all very much. I'm going to miss this area too but I'm very grateful for the time I was given to serve here in Barbados. The past few days I have been saying goodbye to everyone and it is tough. I love them all very much.
I leave my testimony that I know this church and gospel is true. My testimony has grown so much after serving here in Barbados. I've had so many special spiritual experiences that makes me certain of the precious truths of the gospel. I love you all very much. Stay strong!
Elder King
Saying goodbye to Lorraine and Alex
Saying goodbye to Elder Neil and Sister Jones
Saying goodbye to Kelvin
District dinner at the Yearwoods one last time :)
More flat tire problems haha
Kenwin and Denico who came to church!
Saying goodbye to Bro. Branford who comes teaching with us all the time
Saying goodbye to Jarad who also comes out with us a lot
Patrick also came to church for all three hours
Saying goodbye to Bro. Carmichael who is a good man and comes out with us teaching
Saying goodbye to Bro. Sampson who is a real character and will brighten anyone's day plus he come out with us a lot too
I love and will miss them all!!
Sometimes I make peanut butter and nutella pancakes for lunch but when I do... I don't make a mess like Elder Anderson ;) hahaha

Sis. Ulanda Alcott who is working her way back into activity
Saying goodbye to Jalisa Gison
Saying goodbye to the great Spaulding Family :)
Me and Ashton Spaulding
Me and Callahan Spaulding
Sariah Waldron is a member we home taught and she will be putting her papers in soon
Bro. Alleyne who is a great help in the work and referred us to go and teach Junika!
Sis. Daniel is such a strong, fun, and faithful member
Elder Dixon who is leaving to St. Lucia, Sis. Daniel and her mother Sis. Branker who we also home taught
Bro. Matthew who served a mission is Utah a long time ago, likes to run, and comes out teaching with us
Sis. Oliverre who is a strong member
Saying goodbye to Adrian
My last lesson with Patrick
Saying goodbye to Enrico
This is Tashawn and Denico who are Kenwin's cousins.
District dinner with some of the Sister's Recent Converts
Elder Anderson made me some food :) haha
The Assistants (Elder Kuru and Elder Dixon) and Elder Anderson and I went golfing last Pday :) Tons of fun with my mission brothers! On one of the holes which was a par 4 I drove it all the way to the green :) We played best ball and it was just a good time